C.R.I. Pumps and Coimbatore District Basketball Association has been successfully conducting the All India Basketball Tournament for Women for the past 18 years. The country’s leading basketball teams take pride in joining this prestigious tournament.
This year, the tournaments are scheduled from May 29 to June 3 2022. Eight leading teams of the country have been selected for the Women's tournament, the teams selected are Kolkata -Eastern Railways, Hubli – South Western Railways, Secunderabad - South Central Railways, Mumbai - Central Railways, Tiruvandrum - Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB), Trivandrum - Kerala Police, Chennai – Rising Star & Coimbatore – Coimbatore District Basketball Association (CDBA).

The winning teams section will be awarded cash prize as follows:
Winner : C.R.I. Pumps ever rolling Trophy & Rs. 50000/- Cash Prize
Runners : C.R.I. Pumps ever rolling Trophy & Rs. 25000/- Cash Prize
Third and Fourth Place : Cash Prize Rs. 15000/- and Rs. 10000/-
Fair play award : Promising Player Award
The teams will play on league basis till 1st June 2022. The Semi-Finals & Finals will be held on June 2 and 3 respectively. All the matches will be conducted at V.O.C. Park Basket Ball Court from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm. Entry is Free.
The inaugural function is scheduled on 29th May 2022 at 6.00 pm. The Chief Guest of the function Mrs. Kalpana Anandakumar, Hon. Mayor, Coimbatore Corporation and Mr. R. Vetriselvan, Hon. Deputy Mayor, Coimbatore Corporation. Guest of Honour is Dr. David V Rajan, Chairman & Managing Director of Ortho One. Mr. G. Selvaraj, President, CDBA & Joint Managing Director, C.R.I. Group will preside over the inaugural function.